
With every stroke, I find a note.
With every line, I grow higher..
With every moment, I feel closer to…

Hark! Is that you?
No, sorry I must be mistaken.
I make an excuse
“You look like somebody I once knew”
Simply taken by my imagination
The dazzling sensation that I seek…

I look towards the sea. Waves pull me
In and out, and over time I tire…
I doubt that I will ever find you again.
Perhaps when I retire, I’ll try again…

A voice.
My heart, is that you?
What is it you speak?
Whisper it to me my dear…

Do not fear.
There’s a world that lies beyond the skies
Where chocolate-chip muffins and french fries
Grow on trees - and nobody ever has to leave!
What? Is that true?! I’m not sure I believe you…

A smile.
You don’t have to!
I’m not here to speak truth.
For that, you have the news…
I exist to inspire you to keep existing;
To keep persisting in the face of doom.

At times, my voice may seem faint.
You might not always see my face.
But open your arms and I will appear.

Now, come here.


The Longing